Thursday, May 5, 2011

Are you ready to actually MEET what is on your plate?

Here are some sad but true facts about your meat.

The pollution from animal waste causes respiratory problems, skin infections, nausea, depression and even death for people who live near factory farms. Livestock waste has been linked to six miscarriages in women living near a hog factory in Indiana. (Home Sweet Home for yours truly...)

Concrete or slatted floors allow for easy removal of manure, but because they are unnatural surfaces for pigs, the animals often suffer skeletal deformities.

Ammonia and other gases from manure irritate animals' lungs, to the point where over 80% of US pigs have pneumonia upon slaughter.

Overuse of antibiotics in animals is causing more strains of drug-resistant bacteria, which is affecting the treatment of various life-threatening diseases in humans. The Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences has estimated the annual cost of treating antibiotic-resistant infections in the U.S. at $30 billion.

Factory farms are also referred to as the following:
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)
Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) 
             .....This totally sounds like things I want to eat. Gross.
Industrial Agricultural Operation (IAO)
Industrial Livestock Operation (ILO)

Pigs are as smart as or smarter than a 3 year old child. This means they fully understand they are in a horrible situation and sense death through the screams of other pigs. 

Understand the $h*t you eat, take a stand, make a change
<3 J

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