Monday, May 2, 2011

A Good Point....

JulesMM this post is in response to your comment to the "Why?" entry on my blog here. First of all, thanks for sharing!! That's really what I want this site to be. This should be a community for people to get real answers from others that actually are or have gone through the same thing. Anyways, on to my advice. I want to focus on this part..

"...I don't plan to go fully veggie unless I'm sure I can do it without getting sick. 
What I have really been trying to do is go as long as I can or want to without meat."

I personally tried to do this twice before I decided I was totally ready to do this for real. Most importantly, being a vegetarian and being healthy is very easy. There are amazing tasting meat substitutes that provide A TON of nutrients and goodies that your body needs. I highly recommend getting a book or two and educating yourself on the foods your body needs and also to keep around for reference later on. Try these:

I also love the fact that you are going as long as you can/want. You have to WANT to be a vegetarian for one reason or another. If you aren't into going veggie, then it will not last. Personally, I adore buffalo wings and any form of buffalo chicken sandwich. My fix? Morning Star "Chicken" Nuggets with Sweet Baby Ray's Buffalo wing sauce. Find ways to sub out meat in the meals you crave. As it turns out, my craving was really for the sauce, not the chicken. 

Thanks again for being vocal!! Let's hear from some others!!
Why are you going veggie?
What are you struggling with?

<3 J

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